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  • A broad spectrum combination which may help relieve symptoms of digestive discomfort such as indigestion, epigastric fullness, bloating, bowel problems or IBS.

  • As well as providing support for liver health, it also helps in the functioning of the liver & gall bladder thru’ its ability to stimulate bile flow (choleretic).

  • It’s detoxifying properties can assist the liver in removing toxins such as chemicals, alcohol and environmental pollutants from the body.




  • SG$34.25

    1-Pc Price

  • The flavonoid components in silymarin, curcumin and artichoke have free radical scavenging activities, helping to protect and promote liver health.
  • It help stimulate the production of bile, which helps remove harmful toxins from the liver.
  • Inhibits the oxidation of bad lipids & mobilize fat stores from the liver.
  • Supports, strengthen healthy liver functions and protect glutathione levels. Glutathione is responsible for detoxifying a wide range of chemicals, pollutants, alcohol, etc.
  • Acts as a mild diuretic and helps to neutralize excessive acid.
  • Useful for the relief of feelings of fullness and flatulence.
Ingredients (Active)

One capsule provides : Artichoke Leaf Ext. (cynara scolymus L) (standardised 5% cynarin, 2.5% caffeoylquinic acid), Milk Thistle Seed Ext. (silybum marianum) (standardised 80% silymarin), Schisandra Chinensis Ext. (berry/fruit) (standardised 5% schizandrin), Dandelion Ext. (taraxacum mongolicum) (standardised 15% taraxasterol), Tumeric Root Ext. (curcuma longa) (standardised 95% curcuminoids), Apple Pectin, Papain (papaya), Bromelain (200GDU/gm), Peppermint Leaf (mentha piperita L), BioperineTM (piper nigrum [95% piperine]), Lemongrass powder.

Suitable for vegetarians.

Age No
Sex Suitable for Men, Suitable for Women
Form Capsule. Colour variation in capsules can be expected.

1-2 capsules daily with a meal, for long term digestive support.

Up to 6 capsules in divided doses in case of indigestion due to occasional over-indulgence (over-eating), for fast-acting relief.

Quantity 50 + 13 capsules


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